Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Okay, so, Beauty I promised and Beauty you'll get! 
I was recently browsing in Superdrug with a friend, and I cannot resist anything to do with skin care.
So I headed straight for that aisle, when Simple's 'Spotless Skin' range grabbed my retinas. I always use Simple face wipes anyway, and I really hate it when I get blemishes and spots, especially as a Theatre Studies student where I'm constantly having photos and videos taken of me. 

I took a look at the full range, and it looked pretty reasonably priced, if a little expensive if you're looking for complete budget beauty, but it was half price at Superdrug. Bonus. 
In the end, I picked up the 'Quick Fix' Wipes (If the normal ones are good, the ones that help banish spots must be fab, right?) and the 'Anti-Blemish' Moisturiser.

I've been using them for four days now and I can honestly say they're BRILLIANT. The wipes get rid of all of my industrial strength mascara and the grime from the day, and using the Moisturiser underneath my foundation has helped my skin to look so much clearer, and I think it even gives the finish of a primer. And, as always, as it's made by Simple it has no chemicals or rubbish in it that will build up and go cakey on your face. Lush. 

Simple Spotless Skin Quick Fix Wipes: £3.79 (£1.89 at Superdrug Now)
Simple Spotless Skin Anti-Blemish Moisturiser: £4.95 (£2.47 at Superdrug Now) 

GG xx

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